发表于 2012-7-2 12:57:57
* Load View
* This function is used to load a "view" file. It has three parameters:
* 1. The name of the "view" file to be included.
* 2. An associative array of data to be extracted for use in the view.
* 3. TRUE/FALSE - whether to return the data or load it. In
* some cases it's advantageous to be able to return data so that
* a developer can process it in some way.
* @param string
* @param array
* @param bool
* @return void
public function view($view, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE)
return $this->_ci_load(array('_ci_view' => $view, '_ci_vars' => $this->_ci_object_to_array($vars), '_ci_return' => $return));