本帖最后由 昨夜渡轮 于 2011-3-22 22:35 编辑
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author Rick Ellis
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006, EllisLab, Inc.
* @license http://www.codeignitor.com/user_guide/license.html
* @link http://www.codeigniter.com
* @since Version 1.0
* @filesource
* MY Parser Class
* 增加if判断功能
class MY_Parser extends CI_Parser {
*   arse a template
* Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified template,
* replacing them with the data in the second param
* @access public
* @param string
* @param array
* @param bool
* @param bool
* @return string
function parse ($template, $data, $return = FALSE, $show_errors = FALSE)
$CI =& get_instance ();
$template = $CI->load->view($template, $data, TRUE);
if ($template == '')
return FALSE;
foreach ($data as $key => $val)
if (is_array($val))
$template = $this->_parse_pair ($key, $val, $template);
$template = $this->_parse_single ($key, (string )$val, $template);
// Check for conditional statments
$template = $this->conditionals($template, $show_errors);
// Should we show template errors?
if (!$show_errors)
if (preg_match_all("(".$this->l_delim."([^".$this->r_delim."/]*)".$this->r_delim.")", $template, $m))
foreach($m[1] as $value)
$template = preg_replace('#'.$this->l_delim.$value.$this->r_delim.'(.+)'.$this->l_delim.'/'.$value.$this->r_delim.'#sU', "", $template);
$template = str_replace ("{".$value."}", "", $template);
if ($return == FALSE)
$CI->output->final_output = $template;
return $template;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
*   arse conditional statments
* Note: This function will ignore no matched or conditional statments with errors
* @access public
* @param string
* @param bool
* @return string
function conditionals ($template, $show_errors)
if (preg_match_all('#'.$this->l_delim.'if (.+)'.$this->r_delim.'(.+)'.$this->l_delim.'/if'.$this->r_delim.'#sU', $template, $conditionals, PREG_SET_ORDER ))
if(count($conditionals) > 0)
foreach($conditionals AS $condition)
$raw_code = (isset($condition[0])) ? $condition[0] : FALSE;
$cond_str = (isset($condition[1])) ? $condition[1] : FALSE;
$insert = (isset($condition[2])) ? $condition[2] : '';
if(!preg_match('/('.$this->l_delim.'|'.$this->r_delim.')/', $cond_str, $problem_cond))
// If the the conditional statment is formated right, lets procoess it!
if(!empty($raw_code) OR $cond_str != FALSE OR !empty($insert))
// Get the two values
$cond = preg_split("/(\!=|==|<=|>=|<>|<|>|AND|XOR|OR|&&)/", $cond_str);
// Do we have a valid if statment?
if(count($cond) == 2)
// Get condition
preg_match("/(\!=|==|<=|>=|<>|<|>|AND|XOR|OR|&&)/", $cond_str, $cond_m);
array_push($cond, $cond_m[0]);
// Remove quotes - they cause to many problems!
$cond[0] = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $cond[0]);
$cond[1] = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $cond[1]);
// Test condition
eval("\$result = (\"".$cond[0]."\" ".$cond[2]." \"".$cond[1]."\") ? TRUE : FALSE;");
$result = (isset($data[$cond_str])) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// If the condition is TRUE then show the text block
$insert = preg_split('#'.$this->l_delim.'else'.$this->r_delim.'#sU', $insert);
if($result == TRUE)
$template = str_replace($raw_code, $insert[0], $template);
// Do we have an else statment?
$insert = (isset($insert[1])) ? $insert[1] : '';
$template = str_replace($raw_code, $insert, $template);
$template = str_replace($raw_code, '', $template);
// Remove any if statments we can't process
$template = str_replace($raw_code, '', $template);
return $template;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
- {if true}
- ok
- {else}
- no
- {/if}
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* COMPER Template Parser Class
* Parsing templates
* @framework CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @author Tomáš Bončo
* @category Parser
* @year 2010
* @version 1.5.1
class Parser {
var $file; // file (with path)
var $values = array(); // pseudo-variables
var $blocks = array(); // cycles
var $conditions = array(); // conditions
var $content; // output
var $clean; // cleaning of pseudo-variables
var $show; // showing parsered template
var $theme; // theme
var $theme_Original;
var $CI; // codeigniter instance
var $append_function = array();
var $debug_messages = array // debug levels: 0 - No debugging, 1 - Critical Errors, 2 - TPL errors, 3 - PHP errors, 4 - Debugging
0 => array ('debug_level' => 1, 'message' => "I can't find defined theme!"), // line 73
1 => array ('debug_level' => 3, 'message' => "Wrong parameters in calling Append fuction!"), // line 93
2 => array ('debug_level' => 1, 'message' => "Wrong input parameters in calling Parse function!"), // line 130
3 => array ('debug_level' => 1, 'message' => "File %s not found!"), // line 201
4 => array ('debug_level' => 2, 'message' => "File %s is empty!"), // line 195
5 => array ('debug_level' => 2, 'message' => "Missing <!-- END --> for your condition!"), // line 429
6 => array ('debug_level' => 2, 'message' => "Missing <!-- END --> for your condition: <!-- IF %s -->!"), // line 350
7 => array ('debug_level' => 3, 'message' => "Wrong parameters in appending!"), // line 496
8 => array ('debug_level' => 3, 'message' => "SplitPage error (function SplitPage is used by Blocks)!"), // line 546
9 => array ('debug_level' => 3, 'message' => "Check your condition. Condition: %d"), // line 546
var $debug_log_level = 3;
var $debug_show_level = 1;
var $debug_status = 'inactive';
function Parser ()
/* CI instance */
$this->CI =& get_instance ();
log_message ('debug', 'COMPER Template Parser Class Initialized');
### Theme
public function theme ($value)
$this->CI->unit->run($value, 'is_string', 'Testing input of theme function');
if (is_dir(APPPATH .'views/'.$value))
$this->theme_Original = $value; /** Saving for Includes **/
$this->theme = $value.'/tpl/';
$this->CI->config->set_item('comper_parser', array('theme' => $value));
return TRUE;
$this->_debug (0);
return FALSE;
### Append
public function append ($name, $array)
$this->CI->unit->run($name, 'is_string', 'Testing input "name" of append function');
$this->CI->unit->run($array, 'is_array', 'Testing input "array" of append function');
if ( ! empty($name) && is_array($array))
$this->append_function[$name] = $array;
$this->_debug (1);
### Debug
public function debug ()
$this->debug_status = 'started';
private function _debug ($id, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null)
if ($this->debug_messages[$id]['debug_level'] <= $this->debug_log_level)
log_message ('error', 'COMPER Template Parser: ' . sprintf($this->debug_messages[$id]['message'], $param1, $param2, $param3));
if ($this->debug_messages[$id]['debug_level'] <= $this->debug_show_level)
$message = sprintf($this->debug_messages[$id]['message'], $param1, $param2, $param3);
if ($this->debug_status == 'started') $message .= '<br><br><h2>Debugging</h2>' . $this->CI->unit->report();
show_error ('COMPER Template Parser: ' . $message);
* parse( $template , $data , $config )
* @template - string - name of the template without extension, example: welcome
* @data - array - contents pseudo-variables, cycles, conditions -
* @config - array - posible values:
* @show - bool - if the parsered text will be apended to Output class - default TRUE
* @clean - bool - if unused pseudo-variables will be deleted (cleaned) - default TRUE
* @theme - string - you can set theme this way too
* @extension - string - contents file extension - default tpl
* @exception - array - if we don't want to delete some pseudo-variables (because of Benchmark Class for example)
* @append - array - if we want to add some special values like language, config, and so on.
public function parse ($template, $data = array(), $config = array())
log_message ('debug', 'COMPER Template Parser Class start parsering');
$this->CI->unit->run($config, 'is_array', 'Testing input "config" of append function');
$this->CI->unit->run($template, 'is_string', 'Testing input "template" of parse function');
$this->CI->unit->run($data, 'is_array', 'Testing input "data" of append function');
if (( ! empty($config) && !is_array($config))){ $this->_debug (2); return FALSE; }
$ci_debug = $this->CI->config->item('comper_parser'); ##
if ( isset ($config['debug_show_level'])) ##
{ ##
$this->debug_show_level = $config['debug_show_level']; ##
} ##############
## ##
else ## DEBUG ##
{ ## CONFIG ##
if ( isset ($ci_debug['debug_show_level'])) ## ##
{ ##############
$this->debug_show_level = $ci_debug['debug_show_level']; ##
} ##
} ##
if ( isset ($config['debug_log_level'])) ##
{ ##
$this->debug_show_level = $config['debug_log_level']; ##
} ##############
## ##
else ## DEBUG ##
{ ## CONFIG ##
if ( isset ($ci_debug['debug_log_level'])) ## ##
{ ##############
$this->debug_show_level = $ci_debug['debug_log_level']; ##
} ##
} ##
if ($this->debug_show_level == 4) $this->debug(); ##
if (( ! empty($template) && !is_string($template)) || ( ! empty($data) && !is_array($data)) || empty($template))
$this->_debug (2);
return FALSE;
if ( empty($data)) $data = array();
if ( empty($config)) $config = array();
foreach ($data as $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$this->blocks[$name] = $value;
elseif (is_bool($value))
$this->conditions[$name] = $value;
$this->values[$name] = $value;
/* Config */
$this->data = $data;
$this->config = $config;
$this->_config ($this->config);
/* File and folder path */
$this->file = APPPATH . 'views/' . $this->theme . $template . '.' . $this->extension;
$this->folder = $this->_Path () . 'views/' . $this->theme_Original;
/* Other*/
$this->values['T_Folder'] = $this->folder;
if ($this->content = read_file ($this->file) ) // open the file
if (strlen($this->file) > 0)
$pattern = array("\n", "\r", "\t");
$pattern2 = array('°°°°°°', 'ˇˇˇˇˇˇ', '´´´´´´');
$this->content = str_replace($pattern, $pattern2, $this->content);
$this->_includes ();
$this->_blocks ();
$this->_conditions ();
$this->_values ();
$this->content = str_replace($pattern2,$pattern,$this->content);
$this->_show ();
if ($this->debug_status == 'started') echo $this->CI->unit->report();
log_message ('debug', 'COMPER Template Parser Class end parsering');
return $this->content;
$this->_debug (4, $this->file);
$this->_debug (3, $this->file);
return FALSE;
if ($this->debug_status == 'started') echo $this->CI->unit->report();
log_message ('debug', 'COMPER Template Parser Class start parsering');
### Config
private function _config ($config)
$this->CI->unit->run($config, 'is_array', 'Testing input "config" of _config function (user input when calling parse)');
$ci_config = $this->CI->config->item('comper_parser');
$config = ( ! empty($ci_config)) ? $config + $ci_config : $config; // loading config from config.php
$default_values = array
'show' => TRUE,
'clean' => TRUE,
'extension' => 'tpl',
'exception' => array('memory_usage', 'elapsed_time'),
'append' => array
'config' => $this->is_not_empty($this->CI->config->config, array()),
'lang' => $this->is_not_empty($this->CI->lang->{'language'}, array())
$this->show = (isset($config['show']) && $config['show'] === FALSE)? $config['show'] : $default_values['show'];
$this->clean = (isset($config['clean']) && $config['clean'] === FALSE)? $config['clean'] : $default_values['clean'];
$this->extension = ( ! empty($config['extension']) && is_string($config['extension'])) ? $config['extension'] : $default_values['extension'];
$this->exceptions = ( ! empty($config['exception']) && is_array($config['exception'])) ? $config['exception'] + $default_values['exception'] : $default_values['exception'];
$this->appends = ( ! empty($config['append']) && is_array($config['append'])) ? $config['append'] + $default_values['append'] : $default_values['append'];
$this->appends += $this->append_function;
if ( ! empty($config['theme'])) $this->theme($config['theme']);
### Includes
private function _includes ()
$a_Include = preg_split('#<!--[[:space:]]*INCLUDE[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*-->#i', $this->content, '-1', PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
if (Count($a_Include) > 0)
$p_parser = new Parser ;
for ($i = 0; $i < Count($a_Include); $i++)
if ($i % 2 !== 0)
$config = array(
"theme" => $this->theme_Original,
"show" => FALSE
$a_Include[$i] = $p_parser->parse($a_Include[$i], $this->data, $this->config + $config);
$this->content = implode('', $a_Include);
if (preg_match('#<!--[[:space:]]*INCLUDE[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*-->#im', $this->content) > 0) $this->_includes ();
### Blocks (Cycles)
private function _blocks ()
$a_Blocks = preg_split('#<!--[[:space:]]*BEGIN[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*-->(.+?)<!--[[:space:]]*END[[:space:]]*\\1[[:space:]]*-->#im', $this->content, '-1', PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ); // Make array from template
if (is_array($a_Blocks) && Count($a_Blocks) > 0)
$a_Page = $this->_splitPage ($a_Blocks);
$a_Identifikator_Cyklu = $a_Page[0]; // Contains identificator and it's position in (array) $a_Blocks
$a_Content = $a_Page[1]; // Contains position (in array) and content of current cycle
if (is_array($a_Identifikator_Cyklu) && Count($a_Identifikator_Cyklu) > 0)
foreach ($a_Identifikator_Cyklu as $r_Identifikator_Cyklu => $r_Pozicia)
$r_ReplaceText = NULL;
$r_Identifikator_Cyklu = reset(explode('|´#´|', $r_Identifikator_Cyklu));
if ( ! empty($this->blocks[$r_Identifikator_Cyklu]))
foreach ($this->blocks[$r_Identifikator_Cyklu] as $r_Nazov_Premennej => $a_Hodnota_Premennej)
$this->CI->unit->run($r_Nazov_Premennej, 'is_string', 'Testing input "r_Nazov_Premennej" of _blocks function');
$this->CI->unit->run($a_Hodnota_Premennej, 'is_array', 'Testing input "r_Hodnota_Premennej" of _blocks function');
$r_ReplaceText .= $a_Content[$r_Pozicia+1];
foreach ($this->blocks[$r_Identifikator_Cyklu][$r_Nazov_Premennej] as $r_Nazov => $r_Hodnota)
$this->CI->unit->run($r_Nazov, 'is_string', 'Testing input "r_Nazov" of _blocks function');
$this->CI->unit->run($r_Hodnota, 'is_string', 'Testing input "r_Hodnota" of _blocks function');
$r_ReplaceText = str_replace('{'. $r_Nazov .'}', $r_Hodnota, $r_ReplaceText);
/* RESET */
$r_Nazov = NULL;
$r_Hodnota = NULL;
$a_Blocks[$r_Pozicia] = NULL; // delete identificator
$a_Blocks[$r_Pozicia+1] = $r_ReplaceText; // old content replace new one
$r_ReplaceText = NULL; // reset 'cause of next cycle
else /* If is cycle defined in .tpl but not in .php */
$a_Blocks[$r_Pozicia] = NULL; // delete identificator
$a_Blocks[$r_Pozicia+1] = NULL; // delete content
$this->content = implode('', $a_Blocks);
if (preg_match('#<!--[[:space:]]*BEGIN[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*-->(.+?)<!--[[:space:]]*END[[:space:]]*\\1[[:space:]]*-->#im', $this->content) > 0) $this->_blocks ();
### Conditions
private function _conditions ()
preg_match_all("#<!--[[:space:]]*IF[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*-->#im", $this->content, $if_preg, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); // zistime prítomnosť všetkých IF v texte
if (count($if_preg) > 0)
$if_preg_rev = array(array_reverse($if_preg[1]), array_reverse($if_preg[0]));
$this->content_length = strlen($this->content);
foreach ($if_preg_rev[1] as $index => $item) // prejdeme celý strom podiemnok
preg_match_all("#<!--[[:space:]]*END[[:space:]]*-->#im", $this->content, $end_preg, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); // zistime prítomnosť všetkých END v texte
preg_match_all("#<!--[[:space:]]*ELSEIF[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*-->#im", $this->content, $elseif_preg, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); // zistime prítomnosť všetkých ELSEIF v texte
preg_match_all("#<!--[[:space:]]*ELSE[[:space:]]*-->#im", $this->content, $else_preg, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); // zistime prítomnosť všetkých ELSE v texte
if (count($end_preg > 0))
$ending = $this->_find ($end_preg[0], $item[1], $this->content_length); // získame všetky END
if (empty($ending[0][1]))
$this->_debug (6, ($if_preg_rev[0][$index][0]));
$end_tag = $ending[0];
$inside_elseif = $this->_find ($elseif_preg[0], $item[1], $end_tag[1]); // zistíme prítomnosť ELSEIF v danom rozsahu IF-END
$inside_else = $this->_find ($else_preg[0], $item[1], $end_tag[1]); // zistíme prítomnosť END v danom rozsahu IF-END
// ------------------------------------------------
if ( $this->_statement ($if_preg_rev[0][$index][0]) )
if (count($inside_elseif) == 0 && count($inside_else) == 0) // pokiaľ IF-END neobsahuje ELSEIF alebo ELSE
$pos_next_element = $end_tag[1];
$pos_next_element = (count($inside_elseif) !== 0) ? $inside_elseif[0][1] : $inside_else[0][1]; // zistíme pozíciu nasledujúceho prvku
$content = substr($this->content, ($item[1] + strlen($item[0])), ($pos_next_element - ($item[1] + strlen($item[0]))));
$elseif_founded = FALSE;
if (count($inside_elseif) !== 0) // pokiaľ sú ELSEIF
foreach ($inside_elseif as $id => $element) // tak prejdeme každé jedno
if ( $this->_statement ($elseif_preg[1][$element[3]][0]) ) // zistíme či je pravidvé
if ($id !== (count($inside_elseif)-1)) // pokiaľ je posledný ELSEIF
$content = substr($this->content, ($element[1] + strlen($element[0])), ($inside_elseif[$id+1][1] - ($element[1] + strlen($element[0]))));
$pos_next_element = (count($inside_else) == 0) ? $end_tag[1] : $inside_else[0][1];
$content = substr($this->content, ($element[1] + strlen($element[0])), ($pos_next_element - ($element[1] + strlen($element[0]))));
$elseif_founded = TRUE;
if ($elseif_founded == FALSE) // riešime ELSE
if (count($inside_else) !== 0)
$content = substr($this->content, ($inside_else[0][1] + strlen($inside_else[0][0])), ($end_tag[1] - ($inside_else[0][1] + strlen($inside_else[0][0]))));
$content = null;
$this->content = $this->_str_change ($this->content, $content, $item[1], ($end_tag[1] + strlen($end_tag[0]))); // urobíme zmenu
// ------------------------------------------------
$this->_debug (5);
### Values
private function _values ()
$this->CI->unit->run($this->values, 'is_array', 'Testing global input "values"');
$this->CI->unit->run($this->exceptions, 'is_array', 'Testing global input "exceptions"');
$this->CI->unit->run($this->appends, 'is_array', 'Testing global input "appends"');
if (is_array($this->values) && Count($this->values) > 0)
foreach ($this->values as $r_Key => $r_Value)
$r_Value = str_replace( array('{', '}'), array('&{&&;', '&}&&;' ), $r_Value);
$this->content = str_replace('{'. $r_Key .'}', $r_Value, $this->content);
foreach ($this->exceptions as $exception)
$this->CI->unit->run($exception, 'is_string', 'Testing input "exception" of _exception function');
if (is_string($exception))
$this->content = str_replace('{'. $exception .'}', '&{&&;' . $exception . '&}&&;', $this->content);
foreach ($this->appends as $append_name => $append_value)
$this->CI->unit->run($append_name, 'is_string', 'Testing input "append_name" of _values function');
$this->CI->unit->run($append_value, 'is_array', 'Testing input "append_value" of _values function');
$this->_append ($append_name, $append_value);
if ( ! is_bool($this->clean)) $this->clean = TRUE;
if ($this->clean) $this->content = preg_replace('#{([^[:space:]\:\{\}\=\+\;]+)}#', '', $this->content);
$this->content = str_replace('&{&&;','{',$this->content);
$this->content = str_replace('&}&&;','}',$this->content);
### Append
private function _append ($name, $array, $parents = NULL)
if ( !empty($name) && is_array($array))
foreach($array as $array_name => $array_value)
if (is_array($array_value))
$parents = $parents . $array_name . '->';
$this->_append ($name, $array_value, $parents);
$parents = NULL;
$this->content = preg_replace("#\{". $name ." ([[:space:]])*". $parents .")*([[:space:]])*". $array_name ."\}#", $array_value, $this->content);
$parents = NULL;
$this->_debug (7);
### @Show
private function _show ()
if ( ! is_bool($this->show)) $this->show = TRUE;
if ($this->show) $this->CI->output->append_output($this->content);
### Helpers
private function _Path () // used in opening the file
if (($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost' || $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') && strpos(APPPATH , BASEPATH ) !== FALSE)
return $this->CI->config->item('base_url') . end(explode('/', substr(BASEPATH , 0, -1))) . '/' . end(explode('/', substr(APPPATH , 0, -1))) . '/';
else return APPPATH ;
private function _splitPage ($array) // used by Blocks
if (is_array($array))
$a_Identifikator_Cyklu = array();
$a_Content = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($array as $r_ArrayName => $r_ArrayValue)
$r_LocalInfo = round(($r_ArrayName/3)*10);
$r_LocalInfo = substr($r_LocalInfo, -1); /* získame buď 1, 3 alebo 7 */
if ($r_LocalInfo == 3) $a_Identifikator_Cyklu[$r_ArrayValue. '|´#´|' . $i] = $r_ArrayName;
elseif ($r_LocalInfo == 7) $a_Content[$r_ArrayName] = $r_ArrayValue;
Everything is a cycle of 3 parts:
0 - before (cycle)
1 - identificator (of cycle)
2 - content (of cycle)
return array($a_Identifikator_Cyklu, $a_Content);
$this->_debug (8);
private function is_not_empty (&$value, $return = NULL) // used in config
if ( ! empty ($value)) return $value;
else return $return;
* Nájde všetky deti (ELSE a ELSEIF) v rozsahu zadaných pozícií .. teda od povedzme 7 pozície do 56 pozície v reťazci
* */
private function _find ($array, $from, $to = 0) // used by conditions
$output = array();
foreach ($array as $index => $item)
if ( ($item[1] > $from) && ($item[1] < $to) )
$output[] = $item + array('3' => $index);
return $output;
* Nahradí všetko od pozície A po pozíciu B v danom reťazci iným reťazcom
* */
private function _str_change ($search, $replace, $start, $end) // used by Conditions
$this->CI->unit->run($search, 'is_string', 'Testing input "search" of _str_change function');
$this->CI->unit->run($replace, 'is_array', 'Testing input "replace" of _str_change function');
$this->CI->unit->run($start, 'is_numeric', 'Testing input "start" of _str_change function');
$this->CI->unit->run($end, 'is_numeric', 'Testing input "end" of _str_change function');
$before = substr($search, 0, $start);
$after = substr($search, $end);
return $before . $replace . $after;
* Zistí či je podmienka pravdivá
* */
private function _statement ($string) // used by Conditions
$this->CI->unit->run($string, 'is_string', 'Testing input "string" of _statement function');
preg_match_all('#[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+#', $string, $array );
foreach ($array[0] as $value)
if ($value !== 'AND' && $value !== '&&' && $value !== 'OR' && $value !== '||')
$string = str_replace($value ,'( ! empty($this->conditions["' . $value . '"])? $this->conditions["' . $value . '"] : FALSE )', $string);
if ( [url =mailto :!@eval(]!@eval('$return[/url] = ('. $string .');'))
$this->_debug (9, $string);
return $return;
// END Parser Class
/* End of file Parser.php */
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Parser.php */
- <!-- IF admin -->
- Hi admin!
- <!-- ELSEIF vip -->
- Welcome back member!
- <!-- ELSE -->
- I don't know you ... sorry ...
- <!-- END -->
希望对想用模板解析类的朋友有用,也希望有高手能有更好的扩展模板解析类的代码共享出来,能增加缓存和模板编译最好了 |