本帖最后由 ihymk 于 2010-6-1 17:08 编辑
用到了才发现这的问题。。。。 自带的分页功能比较弱,特殊分页时不大方便,这个扩展是在不影响原有链接使用效果的前提下,解决生成的链接字符串格式问题。
我的框架里的自定义扩展名是EA_ (默认是MY_) ,这个根据自己的需要去修改就是了。
$config['link_format'] = "<a onclick='alert(\"%s\")' >%s</a>";
echo $this->pagination->create_links();
link_format接收两个格式化参数%s,第一个是要访问的目标路径,第二个是显示的链接名称。(在这里的alert更换为你的ajax函数就可以了, 以类生的url为目标做Response目标.即可解决ajax分页问题。)
<code><a onclick='alert(\"%s\")' >%s</a></code>
只是一个小小的改动, 可能不是最好的,但还是要拿出来和大家一起分享一下,就多了一个makeLink函数在类中,修改了一下create_links的操作过程。
- <?php
* nable php 分页
* http://www.eatools.cn
* ============================================================================
* $Version: v1.0.0 Beta
* $Author: Able Gao <ablegao@gmail.com> $
* $Date: 2009-12-7 11:58 $
* $Id: index.php 2009-12-7 11:58 Able Gao $
if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class EA_Pagination extends CI_Pagination {
public function __construct ()
parent ::__construct ();
* link生成格式
var $link_format = '<a href="%s" >%s</a>';
* 链接生成接口
* @param String $url 主类自动赋值的目标URL路径。
* @param String $title 主类自动赋值的链接显示名称。
* @return string
public function makeLink ($url,$title)
return sprintf($this->link_format,$url,$title);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate the pagination links
* @access public
* @return string
function create_links ()
// If our item count or per-page total is zero there is no need to continue.
if ($this->total_rows == 0 OR $this->per_page == 0)
return '';
// Calculate the total number of pages
$num_pages = ceil($this->total_rows / $this->per_page);
// Is there only one page? Hm... nothing more to do here then.
if ($num_pages == 1)
return '';
// Determine the current page number.
$CI =& get_instance ();
if ($CI->config->item('enable_query_strings') === TRUE OR $this->page_query_string === TRUE)
if ($CI->input->get($this->query_string_segment) != 0)
$this->cur_page = $CI->input->get($this->query_string_segment);
// Prep the current page - no funny business!
$this->cur_page = (int ) $this->cur_page;
if ($CI->uri->segment($this->uri_segment) != 0)
$this->cur_page = $CI->uri->segment($this->uri_segment);
// Prep the current page - no funny business!
$this->cur_page = (int ) $this->cur_page;
$this->num_links = (int )$this->num_links;
if ($this->num_links < 1)
show_error ('Your number of links must be a positive number.');
if ( ! is_numeric($this->cur_page))
$this->cur_page = 0;
// Is the page number beyond the result range?
// If so we show the last page
if ($this->cur_page > $this->total_rows)
$this->cur_page = ($num_pages - 1) * $this->per_page;
$uri_page_number = $this->cur_page;
$this->cur_page = floor(($this->cur_page/$this->per_page) + 1);
// Calculate the start and end numbers. These determine
// which number to start and end the digit links with
$start = (($this->cur_page - $this->num_links) > 0) ? $this->cur_page - ($this->num_links - 1) : 1;
$end = (($this->cur_page + $this->num_links) < $num_pages) ? $this->cur_page + $this->num_links : $num_pages;
// Is pagination being used over GET or POST? If get, add a per_page query
// string. If post, add a trailing slash to the base URL if needed
if ($CI->config->item('enable_query_strings') === TRUE OR $this->page_query_string === TRUE)
$this->base_url = rtrim($this->base_url).'&'.$this->query_string_segment.'=';
$this->base_url = rtrim($this->base_url, '/') .'/';
// And here we go...
$output = '';
// Render the "First" link
if ($this->cur_page > ($this->num_links + 1))
$output .= $this->first_tag_open.$this->makeLink($this->base_url,$this->first_link).$this->first_tag_close;
// Render the "previous" link
if ($this->cur_page != 1)
$i = $uri_page_number - $this->per_page;
if ($i == 0) $i = '';
$output .= $this->prev_tag_open.$this->makeLink($this->base_url.$i,$this->prev_link).$this->prev_tag_close;
// Write the digit links
for ($loop = $start -1; $loop <= $end; $loop++)
$i = ($loop * $this->per_page) - $this->per_page;
if ($i >= 0)
if ($this->cur_page == $loop)
$output .= $this->cur_tag_open.$loop.$this->cur_tag_close; // Current page
$n = ($i == 0) ? '' : $i;
$output .= $this->num_tag_open.$this->makeLink($this->base_url.$n,$loop).$this->num_tag_close;
// Render the "next" link
if ($this->cur_page < $num_pages)
$output .= $this->next_tag_open.$this->makeLink($this->base_url.($this->cur_page * $this->per_page) ,$this->next_link) .$this->next_tag_close;
// Render the "Last" link
if (($this->cur_page + $this->num_links) < $num_pages)
$i = (($num_pages * $this->per_page) - $this->per_page);
$output .= $this->last_tag_open.$this->makeLink($this->base_url.$i,$this->last_link).$this->last_tag_close;
// Kill double slashes. Note: Sometimes we can end up with a double slash
// in the penultimate link so we'll kill all double slashes.
$output = preg_replace("#([^:])//+#", "\\1/", $output);
// Add the wrapper HTML if exists
$output = $this->full_tag_open.$output.$this->full_tag_close;
return $output;
// END Pagination Class
/* End of file Pagination.php */
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Pagination.php */
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