发表于 2008-4-22 13:13:12
原帖由 沧蓝 于 2008-4-21 16:52 发表 
Base4.php的确是有点让人晕。。。我也搞不懂为啥要设计成那样的- -
* CI_BASE - For PHP 4
* This file is used only when CodeIgniter is being run under PHP 4.
* In order to allow CI to work under PHP 4 we had to make the Loader class
* the parent of the Controller Base class. It's the only way we can
* enable functions like $this->load->library('email') to instantiate
* classes that can then be used within controllers as $this->email->send()
* PHP 4 also has trouble referencing the CI super object within application
* constructors since objects do not exist until the class is fully
* instantiated. Basically PHP 4 sucks...
* Since PHP 5 doesn't suffer from this problem so we load one of
* two files based on the version of PHP being run.
注释中已经写了为什么要这样用了 |