<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('不允许直接访问');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, EllisLab, Inc.
* @license http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/license.html
* @link http://codeigniter.com
* @since Version 1.0
* @filesource
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Loader Class
* Loads views and files
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @修改 icebolt(29142986)
* @category Loader
* @link http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/loader.html
class CI_Loader {
var $_ci_ob_level;
var $_ci_view_path = '';
var $_ci_is_php5 = FALSE;
var $_ci_is_instance = FALSE;
var $_ci_cached_vars = array();
var $_ci_classes = array();
var $_ci_loaded_files = array();
var $_ci_models = array();
var $_ci_helpers = array();
var $_ci_plugins = array();
var $_ci_varmap = array('unit_test' => 'unit', 'user_agent' => 'agent');
function CI_Loader ()
$this->_ci_is_php5 = (floor(phpversion()) >= 5) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$this->_ci_view_path = APPPATH .'views/';
$this->_ci_ob_level = ob_get_level();
log_message ('debug', "Loader类初始化成功");
function library ($library = '', $params = NULL, $object_name = NULL)
if ($library == '')
return FALSE;
if ( ! is_null($params) AND ! is_array($params))
$params = NULL;
if (is_array($library))
foreach ($library as $class)
$this->_ci_load_class ($class, $params, $object_name);
$this->_ci_load_class ($library, $params, $object_name);
$this->_ci_assign_to_models ();
function model ($model, $name = '', $db_conn = FALSE)
if (is_array($model))
foreach($model as $babe)
if ($model == '')
if (strpos($model, '/') === FALSE)
$path = '';
$x = explode('/', $model);
$model = end($x);
$path = implode('/', $x).'/';
if ($name == '')
$name = $model;
if (in_array($name, $this->_ci_models , TRUE))
$CI =& get_instance ();
if (isset($CI->$name))
show_error ('模块名已经被占用: '.$name);
$model = strtolower($model);
if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH .'models/'.$path.$model.EXT ))
show_error ('找不到模块文件: '.$model);
if ($db_conn !== FALSE AND ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
if ($db_conn === TRUE)
$db_conn = '';
$CI->load->database($db_conn, FALSE, TRUE);
if ( ! class_exists('Model'))
load_class ('Model', FALSE);
require_once(APPPATH .'models/'.$path.$model.EXT );
$model = ucfirst($model);
$CI->$name = new $model();
$CI->$name->_assign_libraries ();
$this->_ci_models [] = $name;
function database ($params = '', $return = FALSE, $active_record = FALSE)
$CI =& get_instance ();
if (class_exists('CI_DB') AND $return == FALSE AND $active_record == FALSE AND isset($CI->db) AND is_object($CI->db))
return FALSE;
require_once(BASEPATH .'database/DB'.EXT );
if ($return === TRUE)
return DB ($params, $active_record);
$CI->db = '';
$CI->db =& DB ($params, $active_record);
$this->_ci_assign_to_models ();
function dbutil ()
if ( ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
$CI =& get_instance ();
require_once(BASEPATH .'database/DB_utility'.EXT );
require_once(BASEPATH .'database/drivers/'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'/'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'_utility'.EXT );
$class = 'CI_DB_'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'_utility';
$CI->dbutil =& new $class();
$CI->load->_ci_assign_to_models ();
function dbforge ()
if ( ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
$CI =& get_instance ();
require_once(BASEPATH .'database/DB_forge'.EXT );
require_once(BASEPATH .'database/drivers/'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'/'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'_forge'.EXT );
$class = 'CI_DB_'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'_forge';
$CI->dbforge = new $class();
$CI->load->_ci_assign_to_models ();
function view ($view, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE)
return $this->_ci_load (array('_ci_view' => $view, '_ci_vars' => $this->_ci_object_to_array ($vars), '_ci_return' => $return));
function file($path, $return = FALSE)
return $this->_ci_load (array('_ci_path' => $path, '_ci_return' => $return));
function vars ($vars = array(), $val = '')
if ($val != '' AND is_string($vars))
$vars = array($vars => $val);
$vars = $this->_ci_object_to_array ($vars);
if (is_array($vars) AND count($vars) > 0)
foreach ($vars as $key => $val)
$this->_ci_cached_vars [$key] = $val;
function helper ($helpers = array())
if ( ! is_array($helpers))
$helpers = array($helpers);
foreach ($helpers as $helper)
$helper = strtolower(str_replace(EXT , '', str_replace('_helper', '', $helper)).'_helper');
if (isset($this->_ci_helpers [$helper]))
$ext_helper = APPPATH .'helpers/'.config_item ('subclass_prefix').$helper.EXT ;
if (file_exists($ext_helper))
$base_helper = BASEPATH .'helpers/'.$helper.EXT ;
if ( ! file_exists($base_helper))
show_error ('不能载入需要的文件: helpers/'.$helper.EXT );
elseif (file_exists(APPPATH .'helpers/'.$helper.EXT ))
include_once(APPPATH .'helpers/'.$helper.EXT );
if (file_exists(BASEPATH .'helpers/'.$helper.EXT ))
include_once(BASEPATH .'helpers/'.$helper.EXT );
show_error ('不能载入需要的文件: helpers/'.$helper.EXT );
$this->_ci_helpers [$helper] = TRUE;
log_message ('debug', '载入助手类: '.$helper);
function helpers ($helpers = array())
function plugin ($plugins = array())
if ( ! is_array($plugins))
$plugins = array($plugins);
foreach ($plugins as $plugin)
$plugin = strtolower(str_replace(EXT , '', str_replace('_pi', '', $plugin)).'_pi');
if (isset($this->_ci_plugins [$plugin]))
if (file_exists(APPPATH .'plugins/'.$plugin.EXT ))
include_once(APPPATH .'plugins/'.$plugin.EXT );
if (file_exists(BASEPATH .'plugins/'.$plugin.EXT ))
include_once(BASEPATH .'plugins/'.$plugin.EXT );
show_error ('不能载入需要的文件: plugins/'.$plugin.EXT );
$this->_ci_plugins [$plugin] = TRUE;
log_message ('debug', '载入插件: '.$plugin);
function plugins ($plugins = array())
function language ($file = array(), $lang = '')
$CI =& get_instance ();
if ( ! is_array($file))
$file = array($file);
foreach ($file as $langfile)
$CI->lang->load($langfile, $lang);
function scaffold_language ($file = '', $lang = '', $return = FALSE)
$CI =& get_instance ();
return $CI->lang->load($file, $lang, $return);
function config ($file = '', $use_sections = FALSE, $fail_gracefully = FALSE)
$CI =& get_instance ();
$CI->config->load($file, $use_sections, $fail_gracefully);
function scaffolding ($table = '')
if ($table === FALSE)
show_error ('必须输入一个你要控制的数据库表');
$CI =& get_instance ();
$CI->_ci_scaffolding = TRUE;
$CI->_ci_scaff_table = $table;
function _ci_load ($_ci_data)
// Set the default data variables
foreach (array('_ci_view', '_ci_vars', '_ci_path', '_ci_return') as $_ci_val)
$$_ci_val = ( ! isset($_ci_data[$_ci_val])) ? FALSE : $_ci_data[$_ci_val];
// Set the path to the requested file
if ($_ci_path == '')
$_ci_ext = pathinfo($_ci_view, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
$_ci_file = ($_ci_ext == '') ? $_ci_view.EXT : $_ci_view;
$_ci_path = $this->_ci_view_path .$_ci_file;
$_ci_x = explode('/', $_ci_path);
$_ci_file = end($_ci_x);
if ( ! file_exists($_ci_path))
show_error ('Unable to load the requested file: '.$_ci_file);
// This allows anything loaded using $this->load (views, files, etc.)
// to become accessible from within the Controller and Model functions.
// Only needed when running PHP 5
if ($this->_ci_is_instance ())
$_ci_CI =& get_instance ();
foreach (get_object_vars($_ci_CI) as $_ci_key => $_ci_var)
if ( ! isset($this->$_ci_key))
$this->$_ci_key =& $_ci_CI->$_ci_key;
* Extract and cache variables
* You can either set variables using the dedicated $this->load_vars()
* function or via the second parameter of this function. We'll merge
* the two types and cache them so that views that are embedded within
* other views can have access to these variables.
if (is_array($_ci_vars))
$this->_ci_cached_vars = array_merge($this->_ci_cached_vars , $_ci_vars);
extract($this->_ci_cached_vars );
* Buffer the output
* We buffer the output for two reasons:
* 1. Speed. You get a significant speed boost.
* 2. So that the final rendered template can be
* post-processed by the output class. Why do we
* need post processing? For one thing, in order to
* show the elapsed page load time. Unless we
* can intercept the content right before it's sent to
* the browser and then stop the timer it won't be accurate.
// If the PHP installation does not support short tags we'll
// do a little string replacement, changing the short tags
// to standard PHP echo statements.
if ((bool ) @ini_get('short_open_tag') === FALSE AND config_item ('rewrite_short_tags') == TRUE)
echo eval('?>'.preg_replace("/;*\s*\?>/", "; ?>", str_replace('<?=', '<?php echo ', file_get_contents($_ci_path)))); //'
include($_ci_path); // include() vs include_once() allows for multiple views with the same name
log_message ('debug', '载入文件: '.$_ci_path);
// Return the file data if requested
if ($_ci_return === TRUE)
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
return $buffer;
if (ob_get_level() > $this->_ci_ob_level + 1)
global $OUT;
function _ci_load_class ($class, $params = NULL, $object_name = NULL)
$class = str_replace(EXT , '', trim($class, '/'));
$subdir = '';
if (strpos($class, '/') !== FALSE)
$x = explode('/', $class);
$class = end($x);
$subdir = implode($x, '/').'/';
foreach (array(ucfirst($class), strtolower($class)) as $class)
$subclass = APPPATH .'libraries/'.$subdir.config_item ('subclass_prefix').$class.EXT ;
if (file_exists($subclass))
$baseclass = BASEPATH .'libraries/'.ucfirst($class).EXT ;
if ( ! file_exists($baseclass))
log_message ('error', "不能载入类: ".$class);
show_error ("不能载入类: ".$class);
if (in_array($subclass, $this->_ci_loaded_files ))
if ( ! is_null($object_name))
$CI =& get_instance ();
if ( ! isset($CI->$object_name))
return $this->_ci_init_class ($class, config_item ('subclass_prefix'), $params, $object_name);
$is_duplicate = TRUE;
log_message ('debug', $class."已经载入.");
$this->_ci_loaded_files [] = $subclass;
return $this->_ci_init_class ($class, config_item ('subclass_prefix'), $params, $object_name);
$is_duplicate = FALSE;
//分别通过 APPPATH BASEPATH两个目录尝试载入类文件
for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++)
//分别通过 APPPATH BASEPATH两个目录尝试载入类文件
$path = ($i % 2) ? APPPATH : BASEPATH ;
$filepath = $path.'libraries/'.$subdir.$class.EXT ;
if ( ! file_exists($filepath))
if (in_array($filepath, $this->_ci_loaded_files ))
if ( ! is_null($object_name))
$CI =& get_instance ();
if ( ! isset($CI->$object_name))
return $this->_ci_init_class ($class, '', $params, $object_name);
$is_duplicate = TRUE;
log_message ('debug', $class."已经载入.");
$this->_ci_loaded_files [] = $filepath;
return $this->_ci_init_class ($class, '', $params, $object_name);
// One last attempt. Maybe the library is in a subdirectory, but it wasn't specified?
if ($subdir == '')
$path = strtolower($class).'/'.$class;
return $this->_ci_load_class ($path, $params);
if ($is_duplicate == FALSE)
log_message ('error', "不能载入重复的类: ".$class);
show_error ("不能载入重复的类: ".$class);
function _ci_init_class ($class, $prefix = '', $config = FALSE, $object_name = NULL)
if ($config === NULL)
if (file_exists(APPPATH .'config/'.strtolower($class).EXT ))
include_once(APPPATH .'config/'.strtolower($class).EXT );
if (file_exists(APPPATH .'config/'.ucfirst(strtolower($class)).EXT ))
include_once(APPPATH .'config/'.ucfirst(strtolower($class)).EXT );
if ($prefix == '')
if (class_exists('CI_'.$class))
$name = 'CI_'.$class;
elseif (class_exists(config_item ('subclass_prefix').$class))
$name = config_item ('subclass_prefix').$class;
$name = $class;
$name = $prefix.$class;
if ( ! class_exists($name))
log_message ('error', "指定类不存在: ".$name);
show_error ("指定类不存在: ".$class);
$class = strtolower($class);
if (is_null($object_name))
$classvar = ( ! isset($this->_ci_varmap [$class])) ? $class : $this->_ci_varmap [$class];
$classvar = $object_name;
$this->_ci_classes [$class] = $classvar;
$CI =& get_instance ();
if ($config !== NULL)
$CI->$classvar = new $name($config);
$CI->$classvar = new $name;
function _ci_autoloader ()
include_once(APPPATH .'config/autoload'.EXT );
if ( ! isset($autoload))
return FALSE;
// 载入配置项
if (count($autoload['config']) > 0)
$CI =& get_instance ();
foreach ($autoload['config'] as $key => $val)
foreach (array('helper', 'plugin', 'language') as $type)
if (isset($autoload[$type]) AND count($autoload[$type]) > 0)
// A little tweak to remain backward compatible
// The $autoload['core'] item was deprecated
if ( ! isset($autoload['libraries']))
$autoload['libraries'] = $autoload['core'];
// Load libraries
if (isset($autoload['libraries']) AND count($autoload['libraries']) > 0)
// Load the database driver.
if (in_array('database', $autoload['libraries']))
$autoload['libraries'] = array_diff($autoload['libraries'], array('database'));
// Load scaffolding
if (in_array('scaffolding', $autoload['libraries']))
$autoload['libraries'] = array_diff($autoload['libraries'], array('scaffolding'));
// Load all other libraries
foreach ($autoload['libraries'] as $item)
// Autoload models
if (isset($autoload['model']))
function _ci_assign_to_models ()
if (count($this->_ci_models ) == 0)
if ($this->_ci_is_instance ())
$CI =& get_instance ();
foreach ($this->_ci_models as $model)
$CI->$model->_assign_libraries ();
foreach ($this->_ci_models as $model)
$this->$model->_assign_libraries ();
function _ci_object_to_array ($object)
return (is_object($object)) ? get_object_vars($object) : $object;
function _ci_is_instance ()
if ($this->_ci_is_php5 == TRUE)
return TRUE;
global $CI;
return (is_object($CI)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
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