发表于 2014-12-24 17:12:22
本帖最后由 ^淡如清风 于 2014-12-24 17:19 编辑
补充 uploadify swfupload 上传图片类型时出现
The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.
原因,楼上几层都已经说了,正如:@yuvista 说的,在条件允许的情况下应该开启fileinfo扩展 来获取正确的类型。
PHP复制代码 /**
* File MIME type
* Detects the (actual) MIME type of the uploaded file, if possible.
* The input array is expected to be $_FILES[$field]
* @param array
* @return void
protected function _file_mime_type ($file)
// We'll need this to validate the MIME info string (e.g. text/plain; charset=us-ascii)
$regexp = '/^([a-z\-]+\/[a-z0-9\-\.\+]+)(;\s.+)?$/';
/* Fileinfo extension - most reliable method
* Unfortunately, prior to PHP 5.3 - it's only available as a PECL extension and the
* more convenient FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE flag doesn't exist.
if (function_exists('finfo_file'))
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME );
if (is_resource($finfo)) // It is possible that a FALSE value is returned, if there is no magic MIME database file found on the system
$mime = @finfo_file($finfo, $file['tmp_name']);
/* According to the comments section of the PHP manual page,
* it is possible that this function returns an empty string
* for some files (e.g. if they don't exist in the magic MIME database)
if (is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches))
$this->file_type = $matches[1];
/* This is an ugly hack, but UNIX-type systems provide a "native" way to detect the file type,
* which is still more secure than depending on the value of $_FILES[$field]['type'], and as it
* was reported in issue #750 (https://github.com/EllisLab/CodeIgniter/issues/750) - it's better
* than mime_content_type() as well, hence the attempts to try calling the command line with
* three different functions.
* Notes:
* - the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR comparison ensures that we're not on a Windows system
* - many system admins would disable the exec(), shell_exec(), popen() and similar functions
* due to security concerns, hence the function_exists() checks
$cmd = 'file --brief --mime ' . escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) . ' 2>&1';
if (function_exists('exec'))
/* This might look confusing, as $mime is being populated with all of the output when set in the second parameter.
* However, we only neeed the last line, which is the actual return value of exec(), and as such - it overwrites
* anything that could already be set for $mime previously. This effectively makes the second parameter a dummy
* value, which is only put to allow us to get the return status code.
$mime = @exec($cmd, $mime, $return_status);
if ($return_status === 0 && is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches))
$this->file_type = $matches[1];
if ( (bool ) @ini_get('safe_mode') === FALSE && function_exists('shell_exec'))
$mime = @shell_exec($cmd);
if (strlen($mime) > 0)
$mime = explode("\n", trim($mime));
if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[(count($mime) - 1)], $matches))
$this->file_type = $matches[1];
if (function_exists('popen'))
$proc = @popen($cmd, 'r');
if (is_resource($proc))
$mime = @fread($proc, 512);
if ($mime !== FALSE)
$mime = explode("\n", trim($mime));
if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[(count($mime) - 1)], $matches))
$this->file_type = $matches[1];
// Fall back to the deprecated mime_content_type(), if available (still better than $_FILES[$field]['type'])
if (function_exists('mime_content_type'))
$this->file_type = @mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']);
if (strlen($this->file_type) > 0) // It's possible that mime_content_type() returns FALSE or an empty string
$this->file_type = $file['type'];
} 复制代码
--------------------------------------- 扩展内容 ----------------------------------------------
首先要下载php_fileinfo.dll文件,可以在http://pecl.php.net/package/Fileinfo 这里下载,不过这里下载到的是源文件,需要自己编译。也可以在这里下载http://dllcentral.com/php_fileinfo.dll/ ,不过下到的是5.2.55版本的。如果你使用的php环境是xampp的话,则不用自己下载,xampp里面已经集成了这个东西。
之后到sourceforge.net下载file程序(file程序是GNUWin32 Project的程序之一),地址是:http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/file/ ,不过最好选择4.20版本或者之前的的,因为以后的版本中没有magic.mime文件。下载二进制版本,类似于file-x.xx-bin.zip。将下载的file-x.xx-bin.zip解压缩,从share目录中将存放文件类型信息的magic和magic.mime两个文件复制到到一个目录下,假设这个目录为D:\xampp\php\extras。其中magic可以用apache的conf目录下的magic代替HP的extras文件夹也有一个 magic.mime文件,但是用它的话fileinfo扩展无法正确工作(如果使用php自带的magic.mime的话,则使用fileinfo获取文件的mime类型的话,每次都返回),不能用来代替GNUWin32的这个magic.mime。
PHP复制代码 extension=php_fileinfo.dll 复制代码
PHP复制代码 <?php
$magicFile = get_cfg_var('magic_mime.magic')';
$testFile = 'd :\test .doc ';
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, $magicFile);
echo $finfo->file($testFile);
?> 复制代码
注意:必须保证magic.mime与magic两个文件放在同一个文件夹 。