本帖最后由 johnnywalkerzhu 于 2012-7-20 15:24 编辑
[原文介绍] This package can parse, convert andevaluate math expressions.
There is a convertor class that can parse astring with a math expression with infix format (operators in the middle of theoperands) to postfix format (operators after operands), as well to expressiontree of objects.
An evaluator class can evaluate a mathexpression from a postfix string or expression or an expression tree ofobjects.
Currently the evaluation supports addition,subtraction, multiplication and division of integer operator numbers, as wellparenthesis to group expressions to be evaluated first.
【翻译 】 随意随手而做,如有差错,概不负责 该类能够对数学表达式进行解析、转换以及求值操作; 首先是一个转换类能够将缀格式(即运算符号插在运算数字中间)呈现的数学表达式字符串解析为后缀格式表达式(运算符号在运算数字的后面),或是将运算对象以树形表达方式呈现;