Hex 发表于 2007-12-11 09:51:31


BruceWolf 发表于 2008-1-3 14:18:20

回复 10楼 的帖子


Hex 发表于 2008-1-3 15:57:32

google 也用 mysql ??

tg8866 发表于 2008-2-1 12:48:50

原帖由 Hex 于 2008-1-3 15:57 发表 http://codeigniter.org.cn/forums/images/common/back.gif
google 也用 mysql ??

jianzi 发表于 2008-2-11 00:17:14


Rapyd is a set of components/classes that can help you to develop web applications "rapidly".
Now It's a "library" for Code Igniter (elegant, powerfoul and tiny PHP Framework).

Data Presentation Components[*]It has a theme/views system to standardize components layout[*]A tag-based function-engine (to easily format field values)[*]An easy way to paginate data (with CI helpers / libraries like uri and pagination)Data Editing Components[*]A tiny dynamic ORM (DataObject), based on CI Active Record (now with a basic support for relationships)[*]Many field classes: input, textarea, editor (tinyMCE), datetime(jscalendar), etc..[*]A form class (based on field classes and CI libs, helpers)[*]An elegant way to create CRUD interfaces (like CI scaffolding feature, but totally customizable)

沧蓝 发表于 2008-2-11 00:56:11


xhq6632 发表于 2008-3-24 10:50:01


sam 发表于 2008-3-29 18:20:24

沧蓝说的pgsql本人也非常喜欢,功能都可以跟ms sqlserver相媲美了。。。赞一下

saturn 发表于 2010-1-27 16:05:54

Rasmus Lerdorf在一次关于PHP框架的演讲中,曾经这样阐述过他的观点:
In his address he choose to highlight PHP frameworks (Drupal was not spared) and how poor they are at performance. Not only are they slow, but their "jack-of-all-trades" attitude leads developers down the wrong path by not using what is best for the job. He continues on by stating that PHP developers really need to think about performance for not only scalability reasons but for green reasons. If programs were more efficient it would cut the number of data centres and would reduce energy needs as a result. In our newly emerging age of energy awareness this does become an important aspect and I am glad that he is raising awareness.

ORM是个好思想,好概念,并且在Java体系中已经有了很成熟的表现。这在J2EE以Hibernate为代表的ORM框架中得以很好的体现,通过与象Spring这样的基于Dependency Injection的框架或者叫container结合,可以很轻松的在不改变业务逻辑层代码的情况下,仅需要修改下XML配制文件就足以应对DB层的变化。所以,没有必要在这里继续谈论ORM好与不好的问题。它绝对可以提高开发效率,提升系统稳定性。不过,ORM可是一个重量级的大叔,它或多或少会决定你的整个应用的架构。


很显然,PHP不是Java。PHP诞生的原因和其树立的目标就是为了简化WEB开发:使开发人员在短时间内开发出满足项目需求的系统,而不用去过多的考虑文件配制,容器配制,服务器配制等等。虽然自PHP 4开始陆续加入了OO思想,但PHP之所以有今天这个成就,就我个人来看主要使因为其简单和快速(相对来说的),并且它的学习曲线非常平滑,易于上手。




深蓝 发表于 2010-3-3 14:31:46

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