wish_wish 发表于 2009-12-10 09:25:04

CI devleoper with strong js css skills parttime or fulltime 10k

本帖最后由 wish_wish 于 2009-12-10 10:27 编辑

Hi, i have a new CI web 2.0 project that require strong CI, js / css skills.
You should be good at jquery or prototype.
You can work either parttime or fulltime.
This is SOHO work so you can work from home.
You have to be able to read/write in English.
Please email me a brief introduction of yourself and your resume(Chinese ok) to wish_wish at hotmail.com

bbcash 发表于 2010-1-10 00:18:44

精通CI, web标准和javascript 框架.
具备上面三项中的任何一项, 我想薪水都不会低于10K.何况你要的还是复合型的.
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