请问使用html 表格类如何实现colspans的功能?
如题。我要实现的表格的head和表格的body的td数量不一致,请问如何实现td的colspans功能? 如果我没看错的话,champs说用现在的class是可以做到:
Not that anybody wants my opinion, but the table class is only suitable for quick and dirty dumps of tabular data, much like scaffolding is for data entry.There’s a fine line betweeen being all things to all people and nothing for everybody, and the existing functionality already inches pretty close to that.
Here’s what could be in the class:
* colspans, rowspans, or combination
* Setting cell/row/table attributes, i.e. class
* Proper use of THEAD, TBODY, and TFOOT
* Rotate the input array to make columns into rows, and vice versa
* etc.
By the time you’ve mastered these functions to get the table as fancy as you’d like it, you could have just written the table in a view—and as presentation logic, you probably should, anyway. 我觉得直接写 HTML 比用 Table 类好的多。 之前的表格都用的table类,现在又搞个直接写html的话,觉得有点怪怪的。 <table>
<td colspan=2>zzz</td>
</tr> 晕倒,直接写 HTML 竟然成了“怪怪”的了。。。。。。。。 晕倒,直接写 HTML 竟然成了“怪怪”的了。。。。。。。。
Hex 发表于 2009-4-22 23:33 http://codeigniter.org.cn/forums/images/common/back.gif
我的意思是,有些用类有些直接写html,不是很统一,感觉有点怪。 我也想知道。