define( 'DB_MASTER', 1 ); //写库
define( 'DB_SLAVE', 2 ); //读库
$config['db']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['user'] = 'root';
$config['db']['pass'] = '';
$config['db']['name'] = '';
$config['db']['charset'] = 'utf8';
$config['db']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['user'] = 'root';
$config['db']['pass'] = '';
$config['db']['name'] = '';
$config['db']['charset'] = 'utf8';
* mysql数据库管理类,支持读写分离
* 该类没有对SQL语句进行高度封装,但可以通过继承这个类来扩展更多功能
* @author wll 20111101
* @version 1.0
* examples:
* $db = new DB( $config, $true )
* $newid = $db->runsql(insert...)
* $db->getData(select * ...);
* $db->getLine(select * ...)
* 20121108
* 该类在CI中已经自动初始化,直接:$this->db->方法() 即可
* 为了兼顾CI的规则,应该尽量在models中调用,而不是到处乱用
* 写库:
* $this->runSql($sql) 该方法会 RETURN 一个新插入的自增ID
* 读库:
* $this->getData($sql)返回结果集
* $this->getLine($sql) 返回结果集第一条记录
* $this->getField($sql) 返回结果集第一条记录的第一个字段
class DB{
protected $config; //数据库配置数组
protected $conn_id; //当前连接ID
protected $db_read;
protected $db_write;
protected $do_replication;
public $debug = true; //是否打开调试(会记录所有SQL语句以及语句执行时间)
protected $sqlnum = 0;
protected $sql_debug = array();
* 构造函数
* @param unknown_type $db_config 数据库配置
* @param unknown_type $do_replication 是否开启读写分离
* @author wll 20111102
function __construct(){
$this->config = get_instance()->config->item('db');
$this->do_replication = true;
* 获取一个需要的数据库配置
* @param unknown_type $is_master 默认取写库,可选从库
* @author wll 20111102
* @return Array()
protected function get_config($is_master){
if( $is_master !== true && isset($this->config) ){
return $this->config;
return $this->config;
* 创建一个读连接,如果没有开启读写分离,则获取写连接
* @return unknown
* @return link resource
final protected function read(){
if( isset($this->db_read) && mysql_ping( $this->db_read ) ){
return $this->db_read;
if( !$this->do_replication ){
return $this->write();
return $this->db_read = $this->connect(false);
* 获取一个连接符,尽量优先读连接
* @return resouce
function getConn(){
if( is_resource($this->db_read) ){
return $this->db_read;
return $this->db_write;
return $this->connect();
* 创建一个写连接
* @author wll 20111102
* @return resouce
final protected function write(){
if( isset($this->db_write) && mysql_ping( $this->db_write ) ){
return $this->db_write;
return $this->db_write = $this->connect(true);
* 连接数据库,支持主从分离
* @param unknown_type $do_replication 默认为FALSE不支持主从
* @return resouce
final protected function connect( $is_master = true ){
$db = $this->get_config($is_master);
$link = @mysql_connect($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass']);
if ($link===false) {
return $this->save_err($link);
mysql_select_db($db['name'], $link) or $this->save_err($link);
@mysql_query( "SET NAMES {$db['charset']}", $link );
return $link;
* 如操作中发现错误,及时抛出(可扩展这个方法自定义抛出的错误格式)
* @author wll 20111102
protected function save_err( $link ){
if( $link ){
$this->error = mysql_error( $link );
$this->errno = mysql_errno( $link );
$this->error = mysql_error();
$this->errno = mysql_errno();
if( $this->error ){
die( $this->error ."<br>". $this->errno );
* 执行SQL查询
* 所有SQL查询都经由这里,可以
* @param unknown_type $sql
* @param unknown_type $link
* @return resouce
* @author wll 20111102
protected function query( $sql, $link ){
if( $this->debug ){
$st = $this->debug_time();
$ret = mysql_query( $sql, $link );
$et = $this->debug_time();
$this->sql_debug[$this->sqlnum] = array( 'sql'=>$sql, 'time'=>$et-$st );
$ret = mysql_query( $sql, $link );
return $ret;
* 返回多维数组的数据结果集
* @param $sql string
* @return Array or Null
final public function getData( $sql ){
$this->sql = $sql;
$data = array();
$i = 0;
$link = $this->read();
$ret = $this->query( $this->sql, $link );
while( $Array = mysql_fetch_array( $ret, MYSQL_ASSOC ) )
$data[$i++] = $Array;
if( count($data)>0 ){
return $data;
return null;
* 返回单行结果集
* @param $sql string
* @return Array or Null
final public function getLine( $sql ){
$data = $this->getData($sql);
if( $data ){
return reset( $data );
return null;
* 返回第一行的第1个字段
* @param unknown_type $sql
* @param unknown_type $pos
public function getField( $sql ){
$data = $this->getLine( $sql );
if( $data ){
return reset($data);
return null;
* [写库]运行SQL语句,不返回结果集,用于UPDATE INSERT DELETE均可
* @param $sql string
* @return insert_id()
final public function runSql( $sql ){
$this->sql = $sql;
$link = $this->write();
$ret = $this->query( $this->sql, $link );
$insert_id = mysql_insert_id($link);
return $insert_id > 0 ? $insert_id : $ret;
* 关闭数据库连接
public function close(){
if( isset($this->db_read) ){
mysql_close( $this->db_read );
if( isset($this->db_write) ){
mysql_close( $this->db_write );
* 传入条件数组,拼接SQL语句
* $this->st( $whereArray, 'where_or' ); //以or为条件拼接SQL语句的片段
* 完整用法:select * from tables where $this->st( $whereArray, 'where_or' );
* 支持 insert/update/replace/where/whereor/in
* @param $data
* @param $type
function st( $data = array(), $type = 'insert', $escape = true ){
if( !is_array($data) ){
return $data;
$sqlText = '';
switch( $type ){
case "insert":
$key = '(';
$val = '(';
foreach( $data as $v=>$k ){
$k = $escape === true ? $this->escape_str( $k ) : $k;
$key .= "{$v},";
$val .= "'{$k}',";
$key = substr($key,0,-1).')';
$val = substr($val,0,-1).')';
$sqlText = " {$key} values {$val} ";
case "update":
foreach( $data as $v=>$k ){
$k = $escape === true ? $this->escape_str( $k ) : $k;
$sqlText .= " {$v}='{$k}',";
$sqlText = substr( $sqlText, 0, -1 );
//批量更新 replace into table (id,name) values ('id','name'),('id','name')
case "replace":
foreach( $data as $k ){
$k = $escape === true ? $this->escape_str( $k ) : $k;
$sqlText .= "('".implode( "','", $k )."'),";
$sqlText = substr( $sqlText, 0, -1 );
//and 查询
case "where":
foreach( $data as $v=>$k ){
$k = $escape === true ? $this->escape_str( $k ) : $k;
//使where时支持 < > 等参数,如果key有空格则认为后面是运算条件
$tmpV = explode(' ',$v);
if( count($tmpV) == 2 ){
if( $tmpV == 'in' ){
$sqlText .= " {$tmpV} {$tmpV} ({$k}) and";
$sqlText .= " {$tmpV} {$tmpV} '{$k}' and";
$sqlText .= " {$v}='{$k}' and";
$sqlText = substr( $sqlText, 0, -3 );
//or 查询
case "where_or":
foreach( $data as $v=>$k ){
$k = $escape === true ? $this->escape_str( $k ) : $k;
//使where时支持 < > 等参数,如果key有空格则认为后面是运算条件
$tmpV = explode(' ',$v);
if( count($tmpV) == 2 ){
$sqlText .= " {$tmpV} {$tmpV} '{$k}' or";
$sqlText .= " {$v}='{$k}' or";
$sqlText = substr( $sqlText, 0, -2 );
//in 查询
case "in":
$sqlText = '(' . implode( ',', $data ). ')';
return $sqlText;
* Escape String
* 从CI框架剥出来的字符串转义..
* 这函数不适合对整个SQL做转义,只适合 key=escape_str(value)
* @access public
* @param string
* @param bool whether or not the string will be used in a LIKE condition
* @return string
function escape_str($str, $like = FALSE)
if (is_array($str))
foreach ($str as $key => $val)
$str[$key] = $this->escape_str($val, $like);
return $str;
$conn = $this->getConn();
if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string') AND is_resource($conn))
$str = mysql_real_escape_string($str, $conn);
$str = mysql_escape_string($str);
// escape LIKE condition wildcards
if ($like === TRUE)
$str = str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\\%', '\\_'), $str);
return $str;
* 调试选项,记录SQL执行效率
* @return unknown
function debug_time(){
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function get_debug(){
return $this->sql_debug;
$this->db->st( $array, 'insert/update/replace/where/where_or' ) 这个是用于快速将数组解析为SQL片段的。