Welcome to BackendProBackendPro is a website control panel made for developers. So why is it different? Not only does it provide a good solid base for a website with an auth library, but it also incorporates many features which are needed and help during development. BackendPro is not a CMS but it offers many features a CMS does without it trying to construct your website frontend, which lets be honest is custom to each application. So I hope if you use this you will see why I created it, purely to save me time getting the basics of a website working fast.
Why BackendPro?
[*]Advanced user authentication
[*]Access Control Lists
[*]Easy breadcrumb trail creation
[*]Asset management
[*]PHP to Javascript variable conversion
[*]Site wide preferences
[*]Built in member management
[*]System log management
[*]Website maintenance features
Where to Start
Well if you haven't done already head over to the BackendPro development page and grab a copy of the latest version. There is also the SVN repository but I do not advise this if you don't already understand the BackendPro system.
当然对于新手来说也可以学学Codeigniter的用法 CI是相当轻量,我找了半天没发现权限控制,嘿嘿貌似是个好东西,不知道有没有达人愿意翻译下:lol 和我正在开发的基于Kohana的模块很相似。 搬个板凳看看先 必须为CI找个强大的权限系统:)