本帖最后由 faiinlove 于 2012-5-5 15:36 编辑先来个控制器重写的简要代码
* 扩展Controller类,主要做了几个插入点,实际应用中还会加入登录信息,验证方法等等
* @author gray.liu
* @email gaoomei@gmail.com
* @date 2012-4-27
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller{
* 控制器名称
* @var string
protected $_controller;
* 执行的方法名称
* @var string
protected $_action;
* 渲染视图名称,如:index => index.php
* @var string
protected $_render_action;
* 是否取消视图渲染
* @var bool
protected $_no_render = false;
* 不允许子类重写构造方法,用_init方法代替
public final function __construct(){
$this->_controller = get_class($this);
$this->_action = $this->router->fetch_method();
* 初始化,用于代替子类的构造方法
protected function _init(){}
* 分发action前的操作,比如验证action执行权限
protected function _prePostDispatch(){
* 分发action后操作,如自动载入视图
protected function _postDispatch(){
* 重写
* @param string $method
* @param array $params
public final function _remap($method,$params = array()){
$self = $this;
if(!method_exists($self, $method)){
$this->_action = $method;
$this->_render_action = $method;
call_user_func_array(array($self, $method), $params);
* 加载view视图,约定视图命名为(小写):controller/action.php
* @param string $view_path
protected function _renderView($view_path = null){
if(empty($view_path) && $this->_no_render){
//@TODO 加载公用头部
//@TODO 加载公用尾部
* 渲染渲染某个action对应的视图
* @param string $action
protected function _renderAction($action){
$this->_render_action = $action;
* 不渲染视图
* @param bool $flag
protected function _setNoRender($flag = true){
$this->_no_render = $flag;
* 加载视图脚本
* @param unknown_type $script_path
protected function _renderScript($script_path){
View《- Controller -》Service-》Model
顶一下:hug: mackxu 发表于 2012-5-5 23:32 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢! 我直接改写ci的控制器/core/contrellor
class CI_Controller {
private static $instance;
* Constructor
public function __construct()
self::$instance =& $this;
// Assign all the class objects that were instantiated by the
// bootstrap file (CodeIgniter.php) to local class variables
// so that CI can run as one big super object.
foreach (is_loaded() as $var => $class)
$this->$var =& load_class($class);
$this->load =& load_class('Loader', 'core');
log_message('debug', "Controller Class Initialized");
public static function &get_instance()
return self::$instance;
* 扩展ci处理视图功能,提供类似嵌入式布局,SEO优化
* $data array要传递到视图的数据
* $template string内容模板
* $seokey string使用的seo数据在配置文件里的键名索引,默认不使用
* $rtemplate array替换默认模板,可选索引参数,header,footer
public function render($template, $data = array(), $seokey = null, $rtemplate = array())
// layout
$layout = array(
'header' => isset($rtemplate['header']) ? $rtemplate['header'] : 'common/header',
'content' => $template,
'footer' => isset($rtemplate['footer']) ? $rtemplate['footer'] : 'common/footer',
// seo
// _title, _keywords, _description为保留关键字
$seo_data = array(
'_title' => '',
'_keywords' => '',
'_description' => ''
// need seo
if($seokey != null) {
$this->config->load('xconfig/seo', true, true);
$seo_data = $this->config->item($seokey, 'xconfig/seo');
// merge the data
$data = array_merge($data, $seo_data);
// load view
foreach($layout as $key => $value) {
$this->load->view($value, $data);