用户登陆模块 Authlite (Kohana内置Auth模块简化版)
简介:Authlite基于Kohana 2.3版本内置Auth模块开发。Authlite仅支持Kohana 2.3版本。
[*] 去除了Role(适合用于无需用户等级的登录系统)。
[*] 去除了salt安全机制(绝大部分情况下用sha1就足够了),从而使得直接批量导入用户成为可能。
[*] 可自定义用户模型、用户名列名和密码列名。
[*] 登陆成功后直接返回用户对象,从而可直接对用户对象做更多的操作(例如:设定last_login时间)。
* Authlite library
* Based on Kohana's Auth library.
* @package Layerful
* @subpackage Modules
* @author Layerful Team <http://layerful.org/>
* @author Fred Wu <fred@beyondcoding.com>
* @copyright BeyondCoding
* @license http://layerful.org/license MIT
* @since 0.3.0
class Authlite_Core {
protected $session;
protected $config;
protected $username_column;
protected $password_column;
* Create an instance of Auth.
* @return object
public static function factory()
return new Authlite();
* Return a static instance of Auth.
* @return object
public static function instance()
static $instance;
// Load the Authlite instance
empty($instance) and $instance = new Authlite();
return $instance;
public function __construct()
$this->session = Session::instance();
$this->config= Kohana::config('authlite');
$this->username_column = $this->config['username'];
$this->password_column = $this->config['password'];
Kohana::log('debug', 'Authlite Library loaded');
* Check if there is an active session.
* @return boolean
public function logged_in()
// Get the user from the session
$user = $this->session->get($this->config['session_key']);
$status = is_object($user) ? true : false;
// Get the user from the cookie
if ($status == false)
$token = cookie::get('authautologin');
if (is_string($token) && $token === $this->hash($user->{$this->username_column}.$user->{$this->password_column}))
$status = true;
$this->login($user->{$this->username_column}, $user->{$this->password_column});
return $status;
* Returns the currently logged in user, or FALSE.
* @return object|false
public function get_user()
if ($this->logged_in())
return $_SESSION[$this->config['session_key']];
return false;
* Attempt to log in a user by using an ORM object and plain-text password.
* @param string username to log in
* @param string password to check against
* @param boolean enable auto-login
* @return object|false
public function login($username, $password, $remember = false)
if (empty($password))
return false;
$user = ORM::factory($this->config['user_model'])->where($this->username_column, $username)->find();
if ($user->{$this->password_column} === $this->hash($password))
$this->session->set($this->config['session_key'], $user);
if ($remember == true)
$token = $this->hash($user->{$this->username_column}.$user->{$this->password_column});
cookie::set('authlite_autologin', $token, $this->config['lifetime']);
return $user;
return false;
* Log out a user by removing the related session variables.
* @param boolean $destroy completely destroy the session
* @return boolean
public function logout($destroy = false)
if (cookie::get('authlite_autologin'))
if ($destroy === true)
// Destroy the session completely
// Remove the user from the session
// Regenerate session_id
return ! $this->logged_in();
protected function hash($str)
return hash($this->config['hash_method'], $str);
} // End Authlite
* User model
$config['user_model'] = 'user';
* Username column
$config['username'] = 'username';
* Password column
$config['password'] = 'password';
* Type of hash to use for passwords. Any algorithm supported by the hash function
* can be used here.
* @see http://php.net/hash
* @see http://php.net/hash_algos
$config['hash_method'] = 'sha1';
* Set the auto-login (remember me) cookie lifetime, in seconds. The default
* lifetime is two weeks.
$config['lifetime'] = 1209600;
* Set the session key that will be used to store the current user.
$config['session_key'] = 'authlite_user';
很好,很强大!谢谢 沧澜太棒,顶。。。。。 顶楼的版本,cookie和hash有bug。过几天我把更新版发上来…… 顶楼的版本,cookie和hash有bug。过几天我把更新版发上来……
沧蓝 发表于 2008-11-28 19:45 http://codeigniter.org.cn/forums/images/common/back.gif
半年了,新版本呢? 半年了,新版本呢?
gdtv 发表于 2009-4-21 16:22 http://codeigniter.org.cn/forums/images/common/back.gif
;P 谁有KOHANA 交流群推荐阿 回复 7# jemmy117