Sometimes I would rather load my form validation rules from a database, instead of from a config file, or hard coding them into the controller.This is a short tutorial on how to do that.First thing to do is add a database table like so:CREATE TABLE `form_validation` (
`pk_form_validation_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`form_key` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`rules` TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (`pk_form_validation_id`)
);Then create a MY_Form_validation.php file in system/application/libraries.
Paste the following code into that file:<?php if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH’)) exit(‘No direct script access allowed’);class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation {/**
* Checks to see if we need to load rules from the database,
* then runs the CI_Form_validation library’s run method.
* @access public
* @param string
* @return
*/function run($group = ‘’)
// Is there a validation rule for the particular URI being accessed?
$uri = ($group == ‘’) ? trim($this->CI->uri->ruri_string(), ‘/’) : $group; if ($uri != ‘’ AND !isset($this->_config_rules[$uri]))
} return parent::run($group);
* Loads rules from a database for a given form key
* @access public
* @param string
* @return
*/function load_rules_from_database($form_key)
$qry = $this->CI->db->get_where(‘form_validation’,
array(‘form_key’=>$form_key)); foreach ($qry->result() as $row)
$this->set_rules($row->field, $row->title, $row->rules);
}?>Then if you were going to make a contact form, you could put the following rows into your table:
INSERT INTO `form_validation` (`form_key`, `field`, `title`, `rules`) VALUES (“contact”, “name”, “Your Name”, “required”);
INSERT INTO `form_validation` (`form_key`, `field`, `title`, `rules`) VALUES (“contact”, “phone”, “Phone Number”, “required”);Then in your Controller, you call the form validation run method just as you
would if you put the rules into a config file:$this->form_validation->run(‘contact’) == FALSE