CodeIgniter 缓存适配器
本帖最后由 chinalijie 于 2011-8-2 11:28 编辑CodeIgniter 缓存适配器
./system/libraries/drivers/Cache_memcached.php 有错误 见贴:
php有俩个扩展 来访问memcached 缓存服务器,memcache和memcached
memcache:Memcache模块提供了于memcached方便的面向过程及面向对象的接口,memcached是为了降低动态web应用 从数据库加载数据而产生的一种常驻进程缓存产品。
memcached:此扩展使用了libmemcached库提供的api与memcached服务端进行交互。它同样提供了一个session处理器(memcached)。 它同时提供了一个session处理器(memcached)。
本人鉴于此,特开发了,Cache_memcache.php 来访问memcached缓存服务器
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011 EllisLab, Inc.
* @license
* @link
* @since Version 2.0
* @filesource
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* CodeIgniter Memcache Caching Class
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Core
* @author lijie
* @link
class CI_Cache_memcache extends CI_Driver {
private $_memcache; // Holds the memcache object
protected $_memcache_conf = array(
'default' => array(
'default_host' => '',
'default_port' => 11211,
'default_weight' => 1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Fetch from cache
* @param mixed unique key id
* @return mixed data on success/false on failure
public function get($id)
$data = $this->_memcache->get($id);
return (is_array($data)) ? $data : FALSE;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Save
* @param string unique identifier
* @param mixed data being cached
* @param int time to live
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure
public function save($id, $data, $ttl = 60)
return $this->_memcache->add($id, array($data, time(), $ttl), $ttl);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Delete from Cache
* @param mixed key to be deleted.
* @return boolean true on success, false on failure
public function delete($id)
return $this->_memcache->delete($id);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clean the Cache
* @return boolean false on failure/true on success
public function clean()
return $this->_memcache->flush();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Cache Info
* @param null type not supported in memcached
* @return mixed array on success, false on failure
public function cache_info($type = NULL)
return $this->_memcache->getStats();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get Cache Metadata
* @param mixed key to get cache metadata on
* @return mixed FALSE on failure, array on success.
public function get_metadata($id)
$stored = $this->_memcache->get($id);
if (count($stored) !== 3)
return FALSE;
list($data, $time, $ttl) = $stored;
return array(
'expire' => $time + $ttl,
'mtime' => $time,
'data' => $data
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Setup memcached.
private function _setup_memcache()
// Try to load memcached server info from the config file.
$CI =& get_instance();
if ($CI->config->load('memcache', TRUE, TRUE))
if (is_array($CI->config->config['memcache']))
$this->_memcache_conf = NULL;
foreach ($CI->config->config['memcache'] as $name => $conf)
$this->_memcache_conf[$name] = $conf;
$this->_memcache = new Memcache();
foreach ($this->_memcache_conf as $name => $cache_server)
{ $cache_server = array_pop($cache_server);
if ( ! array_key_exists('hostname', $cache_server))
$cache_server['hostname'] = $this->_memcache_conf['default']['default_host'];
if ( ! array_key_exists('port', $cache_server))
$cache_server['port'] = $this->_memcache_conf['default']['default_port'];
if ( ! array_key_exists('weight', $cache_server))
$cache_server['weight'] = $this->_memcache_conf['default']['default_weight'];
$cache_server['hostname'], $cache_server['port'], true, $cache_server['weight']
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Is supported
* Returns FALSE if memcache is not supported on the system.
* If it is, we setup the memcache object & return TRUE
public function is_supported()
if ( ! extension_loaded('memcache'))
log_message('error', 'The Memcache Extension must be loaded to use Memcached Cache.');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End Class
/* End of file Cache_memcache.php */
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Cache/drivers/Cache_memcache.php */
请将此文件命名为 Cache_memcache.php 拷到 ./system/libraries/Cache/drivers/下
修改./system/libraries/Cache.php 中的 $valid_drivers 数组增加 cache_memcache
protected $valid_drivers = array(
'cache_apc', 'cache_file', 'cache_memcached', 'cache_dummy', 'cache_memcache'
这样就可以使用 memcache 扩展来访问memcached缓存服务器了
$this->load->driver('cache', array('adapter' => 'memcache', 'backup' => 'file'));
$this->cache->save('foo', 'bar123', 10);
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| memcache
'memcache1'=>array('hostname'=>'', 'port'=>'11211', 'weight'=>1),
'memcache1'=>array('hostname'=>'', 'port'=>'11211', 'weight'=>1)
将配置文件 命名为 memcache.php 保存于 application/config/下
正在研究memcache 下个试试 发现您的代码有一个bug。
public function save($id, $data, $ttl = 60)
return $this->_memcache->add($id, array($data, time(), $ttl), MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $ttl);
} 158 行 去掉 $cache_server = array_pop($cache_server); 支持一下....... 这个不错的 很赞 有个地方不是很明白:
'memcache1'=>array('hostname'=>'', 'port'=>'11211', 'weight'=>1),
'memcache1'=>array('hostname'=>'', 'port'=>'11211', 'weight'=>1)